Another one of those days which begin as I like: stories with friends in sunny places on a working day. You get the feeling of an unauthorized get away and you feel the freedom of chit-chat without the interruption of phone calls and emails.
I was gonna meet up with a friend and I chose this place I have only visited once before. It was hidden on a street where you can hardly find a parking place, but this was a lucky morning where they had free parking places right in front. I decided still to leave my car on a parallel street and to take a walk on the lovely street and enjoy the beautiful houses in Floreasca. I reached the place and a very friendly Italian accent voice greeted me with "Good morning!" sitting at a far away table. That smile makes the sun come out and makes one feel extremely confident to greet the world. It doesn't even matter if you know that person or if he just broke a few moments of his time to start your smile. I sat at the table and ordered a hot chocolate. Small tables all over the place, friendly atmosphere and together with the cultural diversity I can say this is a place to come back to.
This is how all mornings should start. With a coffee, hot chocolate, tea and drunk during a story with beautiful people and cultural diversity shared to the max.
The place was called Grano, downtown Bucharest, and the talks were about Cricket, education and religion. All these can be so easily explored that I am beginning to believe we don't know how to make our mornings beautiful. I would love to start every working morning with a tea with a dear friend and to expose our new ideas so then I can start working and putting my plans into action.